Review From The House
Exercise: Did you gain weight while isolating?

Exercise: Did you gain weight while isolating?
I've never been a runner or jogger. Dance has been my primary exercise for years. A brisk 20 minute walk uphill to the studio, a high energy lesson and the walk back home a couple of times a week has kept me in shape and maintained a stable weight.
Dancing came to a halt at the end of February. For the first couple of weeks, isolating in my condo, I kept myself entertained with short dance workouts, and with mental apologies to my teachers, played with making short videos of my bad singing and dancing (see example below).
Without anyone to dance with, and restricted to basic steps because of space constraints, I quickly tired of my dance workouts. Luckily my keto nutrition program and the fasting app that kept me from snacking, kept my weight reasonably in check. But over the months leading up to my birthday I watched the scale creep up till i was a steady 3 lbs over my usual weight.
It was time for action so I began to head out for a very early morning walk before the joggers and runners were out. But my basic power walk didn’t seem like much of a workout. Then I remembered the Urban Poles I used for my rehabilitation after back surgery. Used correctly they provide a total body workout while you power walk. You can read my spinal fusion story at the link below.
Two months of Urban Poling at 6 am 4 or 5 days a week, and I was ready to get back to dance. Only one couple in the studio. And I was wearing a face shield. Feels like something out of a sci-fi movie but at least I am getting to dance again. Happy days!
Sciatica to Samba Queen: Spinal Fusion to Dance Cruising.
Email me with comments or questions I love to connect.