
I've never been a runner or jogger. Dance has been my primary exercise for years. A brisk 20 minute walk uphill to the studio, a high energy lesson and the walk back home a couple of times a week has kept me in shape and maintained a stable weight.

Dancing came to a halt at the end of February. For the first couple of weeks, isolating in my condo, I kept myself entertained with short dance workouts, and with mental apologies to my teachers, played with making short videos of my bad singing and dancing. 

Growing Older while Living Young: Thoughts on Aging Youthfully

As I read and researched aspects of healthy aging for my book, Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably, i amassed far more information than could be included in the book. In this blog, in no specific order, I will share incidents and related research that has helped or hindered me on my path of healthy aging or that I found of special interest.

"The more you move, the more you can move."

An unusually bitingly cold wind was blowing off the water as I walked back to my apartment building after an energetic dance lesson. It was freezing outside and entering the warm lobby, I could almost feel the synovial fluid in my joints thawing like congealed olive oil taken out of the refrigerator. That’s also how I feel sometimes, getting out of bed after a good night’s sleep. I bounce out of bed full of energy and raring to go but while my muscles and joints are warming up, my first few steps resemble the Tin Man.  Except on the mornings after the days that I have three hours of dance and an hour of fast walking. Next morning I wake with no stiffness in my legs. The more you move the more you can move.,