Review From The House
Physicality: Five weeks after foot surgery - getting fit with Walking Poles

Physicality: Five weeks after foot surgery - getting fit with Walking Poles
Way back in 2011 when I was discharged from hospital 3 days after spinal fusion surgery, the physiotherapist advised me to buy a set of Activator Walking Poles and start a program of Urban Poling (Nordic Walking) to build stamina and upper body strength. After 5 months of excruciating pain causing inactivity, muscle weakness, joint stiffness and weight gain, I had little energy, my aerobic capacity was limited and my posture poor. The Activator Poles changed that fast.
As I started my rehabilitation program, I found walking with the Activator poles using good technique, helped me feel safe and balanced while I increased my daily distance, and worked to correct my stooped posture.
By 14 weeks post-surgery I was ready to change my poles from the rehab base to the regular base. Mandy, the therapist who started Urban Poling, was generous enough to come down to the sea wall and demonstrate the correct technique for me. I'll post the video in a separate post.
Eight years later, having had surgery (albeit much less major) to correct a misaligned toe fracture, and dutifully kept my foot elevated as prescribed, I'm again feeling the need to "re-get fit." At 5 weeks post-op in my cumbersome Walker Boot I can't walk at my usual pace. But I can work on upper body fitness. I dug out my Activator Poles and tried them out in the gym. Hope to get the go-ahead at my 6 week appointment to start an intense walking program. Also hope the beautiful weather lasts a bit longer. Sea wall here I come.