Review From The House
W is for Walking or Poling

W is for Walking or Poling
Thursday, April 26th, 2018
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough" (Og Mandino 1923-1996)
Although for me dancing is the best way of keeping mind and body fit and healthy, for anyone who has just chosen to make the move from couch to potato active mover, walking is the easiest way to begin.
When I was discharged from hospital 3 days after major spinal surgery, I was handed a sheet on Activity Guidelines following Spinal Surgery. The message regarding exercise that I took away from my reading was basically that walking, including using stairs, was the only exercise activity permissible until the 6 week follow up appointment ... and that it was really important to walk, a lot.
That first day after my son brought me back from the hospital, he let me rest for a while and then said “Mom we are going for a walk.” We measured the increase in distance each day by counting the number of trees that I passed as I walked slowly along the sea wall. I was tired after 5 minutes. But I set my goal to be able to walk for 30 minutes non-stop by week 3 post surgery, and I achieved that.
The other thing that concerned me beside rebuilding my endurance. was posture. My body was scrunched to the right like a distorted Munchkin. I needed to ensure that I was engaging and strengthening core muscles and the muscles of the back. So I turned to the Activator walking poles I was advised to acquired when I left the hospital and checked them out.
I vaguely knew that walking with Nordic poles was supposed to be great exercise for upper body but not being a cross-country skier I had never paid much attention to the folks I had seen from my window, speed walking with their poles. I found some useful information on a website for Urban Poling. The original Urban Poles - which I hope I will eventually graduate to using, are said to add a great upper body and core workout to your walk. The technique for using them is different to the Activator Poles which are designed for rehabilitation or greater stability in the elderly.
By week 6 after my post-op check up showed that all was well internally, I attended my first play to review since I had been laid up with sciatica, and also managed to go to a Wine Seminar. By week 16, I was working out with a trainer, doing some Pilates, and was back on the dance floor for my first lesson in almost 9 months. Looking back I believe that if it had not been for my determination to get back on the dance floor, my rehabilitation would not have gone half as well. The mind is as important as the body... or maybe more so.