Review From The House
Vancouver - Heathrow-Paddington - Hotel in Soho (Piece of Cake)

Vancouver - Heathrow-Paddington - Hotel in Soho (Piece of Cake)
I am writing this from my compact, and mercifully cool, hotel room in Soho.
The high in London today is 28 C and I have done a lot of moving around dragging my “light” luggage. Since my natural habitat is probably somewhere close to Antarctica or maybe Siberia, I find the air conditioning most welcome.
There has been a lot of moaning in Vancouver about the new line from the Airport to downtown but if it works anything as efficiently as the Heathrow Express, it will be a great help to travelers.
Our flight touched down early. I whizzed through customs ( minimal lineup and friendly agent) waited barely any time for my little suitcase to appear on the carousel and then within less than fifteen minutes I, backpack, suitcase and raincoat, were comfortably ensconced in the Heathrow Express train to Paddington.
At Paddington Station another brief wait in a queue for a taxi, and off to my hotel. Actually the taxi ride was probably the most uncomfortable because the twists and turns though little side streets caused my stomach to moved vertically upward to the vicinity of my throat.
Checked in, quick shower and change of clothing and off to explore the neighbourhood. My usually successful way of avoiding jet lag is to switch my watch and my head on to the time at my destination as soon as the plane is in the air and the seat belt sign is off. So I will try to stay awake till about 9 pm and then go to sleep.
Found my way to Leicester Square and got a great deal on a play for tomorrow night. Picked up some bottles of water and fruit smoothies for a light supper, and here I am, nodding over the computer with 2 hours to go before I can sleep.
Tomorrow when I am a little more with it I will plan out my theatrical odyssey and then plan the rest of my exploring around that schedule.