Review From The House
The Dance Program

The Dance Program
Going to a dance camp has been on my bucket list for a long time, but my life is so full that the right time has never come up. The idea of a dance camp was one of the reasons that I jumped at the chance to join this Pacific Adventures Dance Cruise. Five sea days as we crossed the Pacific with several classes each day. A dance camp at sea - what could be better?
When the schedule was handed out it was even better than I anticipated. Five hours of instruction each day, starting with Ron teaching American Rhythm, then Robert teaching West Coast Swing, before a break for lunch at noon. Mary kicks off the afternoon program teaching Rueda, then salsa with Enio and in the last hour Terryl teaching ballroom. Plus social dancing.
I’m in pretty good shape so I was not too concerned about getting tired but I was somewhat apprehensive about how well my injured toe would hold out. I had fractured this toe two years ago on a previous dance cruise and once I was back to dancing, hadn’t given it much thought, until around the New Year, it become painful, swollen and bruised. I was advised that surgery was the only option to fix it but I’m waiting for a OR date once I get home after this trip. In the meantime, I’m hoping that soft shoes, avoiding high heels and rotating practice shoes with low heeled dance shoes will get me through dancing without another flareup. So far so good.
Here's what we have had so far
Day 1.
American Rhythm class: We started with a workout to limber up all our joints and muscles, and then went through some of the basic elements that make up the rhythm dances particularly swing.
West Coast Swing. Introduced the basics; connections, movement, and sugar push variations.
Rueda. Mary introduced a number of terms starting with the basic guapea and guapea con la vacina. We learned several "flys" including mini, bullas, foto and dame, and by the end of the hour we were moving fast round the circle. Lots of fun.
Salsa. introduced differences and similarities of 7 different styles of salsa. New for me was a different way of dancing the basic step to enhance speed and endurance. I have lots of muscle memory to change.
Ballroom class was on smooth tango.
Day 2.
American rhythm class focused on exercises to enhance flexibility, fluidity, musicality and the actions that characterize rumba and cha cha.
Swing day two - left and right side passes and variations
After lunch it was time for more rueda.
We reviewed the moves we learned yesterday and added some new ones enchufla, policia, silencio and tumba francesca. I’m still having problems with the various changes, its so fast and I have to count all the time, but not aloud!
Salsa we learned variations using cumbia style.
Ballroom was on foxtrot, open twinkles, and moving in and out of promenade.
After the afternoon classes we moved into BBKings Club for two hours of dancing. It turned out that there was another group of dancers from Vancouver also on board, and they were invited to join us which added to the fun.