Vancouver BC: On a miserably cold, rainy night we took the Skytrain from downtown Vancouver out to Douglas College in New Westminster. We went to see a student production of Charles Mee's adaption of Euripides' The Women of Troy. I was overjoyed to experience a production that was so much a visual and auditory delight that it made our sodden trek out to New Westminster more than worthwhile.

ReviewFromTheHouse is a lifestyle and entertainment website. Here you will read theatre, fiction and cookbook reviews, about food and wine, dining and cultural events. My Travelblogues focus on ballroom dance-cruising, as well as cultural and dining experiences during land and sea travels in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. My Lifestyle section features stories on living happier, healthier and wealthier.

Latest Review From The Cabin

I was reflecting on what retirement means to me. Becoming a new entrepreneur at 70, launching my podcast Growing Older Living Younger 6 years later, and of...

Seeing those steps and the fire burning in the surrounding buildings brought up intense memories for me. Ironically today is the 21st anniversary of his...

Latest Review From The Cellar

If only we could send aromas over the internet. Slow cooked lamb shank casserole with garlic, onions and gai lan greens in cooking sherry filled my apartment...

Sitting on my patio watching the water ferries motor round boaters, kayakers and paddle boarders, I am enjoying the light, fruity tastes of rosé wines from...

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Since unlike in my previous home garden I was limited for space, rather than starting my plants from seeds, I shared plants from a nursery...

To start my journey of propagating African Violets I was able to buy three different varieties from a local nursery.


Latest Review From The Seat

The LIfespan Of A Fact 

By Jeremy Karaken, David Murrell and Gordon Farrell 

Based on the book by John D'Agata and Jim Fingal 

Directed by Jennifer Clement 


From the first tremulous rumbling sounds of Bachman's score, that reverberated through my core, I was spellbound as this ensemble of 10 acrobats conjured up images...