Review From The House
Musical entertainment aboard La Turmalina

Musical entertainment aboard La Turmalina
During our week-long journey on the waters of the Peruvian Amazon on the river boat, La Turmalina, our group was treated each evening, to musical entertainment by crew members. They sang and played a variety of instruments, wind, string and percussion. And also played quite a range of music.
Among the instruments that they played were a guitar and a smaller stringed instrument, charango, a traditional instrument of Peru, that is a member of the lute family. As well as drums they also used a box drum and maracas, and a pan flute or zampona. The three main members of the group were our cabin stewards Oscar and Blumer, and the dining room steward, Edgar. But other crew members also joined in from time to time.
On one of our excursions we were treated to lunch time music, representative of different regions of Peru. I recorded samples of these tunes and with their permission have put together a brief video to illustrate the enthusiasm and talent of these performers. You can check out the video on my YouTube channel. Here is the link