Review From The House
Back in Vancouver - Dining, dancing and doing the theatre rounds

Back in Vancouver - Dining, dancing and doing the theatre rounds
Strong as the draw to California is, it is great to be back in Vancouver and watching the sun glint off the water as I write. Yes, I should be outside with the other hordes on the sea wall but mail piles up when you are away and laundry takes forever, now that I actually separate colours and delicates. Mind you I still don't iron. It's been a matter of principle for me since my days as a medical resident. If it needs ironing don't buy it is my motto.
There is so much going on in the theatre world - whoever said we don't have a busy theatre scene in Vancouver. I cant keep up with it. Managed to catch the closing night of Toronto Mississippi, have two plays next week and am sorting through the other stacks of notifications and invites. It's the time of the year when I have to clean up the folder that I shoved all my tax related items and sort those out. Oh yes, and travel arrangements for the conference. Lucky I grew up on multi-tasking.
But for now I think I will leave the whole mess for later and head off to a dance class. Much more fun than taxes.