Review From The House
G.O.L.Y. My first attempt at low carb granola

G.O.L.Y. My first attempt at low carb granola
Looking for a healthy low carb alternative to porridges and cereal granolas for friends just starting low carb eating, I decided to experiment by adapting recipes to use what I already had in my fridge or pantry.
I found raw walnuts, almonds, pecans, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, white sesame seeds and hemp kernels, and mixed them together. Then I blended vanilla extract, coconut oil, powdered turmeric and cinnamon with water, and mixed it thoroughly into the nuts and seeds. The mixture filled up two parchment paper-lined baking dishes.
Into a 300 F oven for 20 minutes and shortly my kitchen smelled wonderful - vanilla and cinnamon - aromas of fall and winter. After 20 minutes I stirred the mixtures around as it still felt moist, and popped it back in the oven for another 20 minutes. Then I switched off the oven and left the mix to dry further as the oven cooled.
Tomorrow I plan to try it over my plain Greek yogurt. Yum!