Review From The House
Gillian's Kitchen: Entre copas y comida

Gillian's Kitchen: Entre copas y comida
In my ongoing pursuit of a healthy mind in a healthy body I signed up for UBC's continuing studies beginner Spanish course and an intro to Argentine Tango (instruction in Spanish). Having two charming, vivacious but determined instructors, I find that I can make it through three and a half hours of instruction at the end of a long week and still retain some new words.
So thanks to Professora Dinorah I have now internalized a laundry list of "ar" and "er" verbs - some of my favorites naturally being bailar - to dance, comer - to eat, and beber - to drink: although I can't yet use them all in coherent sentences. Thanks to Professora Nina, she of tango fame, my vocabulary is also taking on a distinct slant towards directive sentences like cambio de paraja - switch partners and cambio de peso - change weight.
The sentence I liked the best this week combines conversation and dance - quieres bailar conmigo - which I think means do you want to dance with me?
By the way, any spelling or grammatical errors don't in any way reflect badly on either teacher - it just means I wrote the words down wrongly - or could not read my own handwriting!
This takes me to my segue into food, that ever consuming thought. Humour appreciated by few. Hmmm.
Having fed my hunger for fitness with tango and fueled my weary neurons with Spanish vocabulary, by 9:30 as my friend and I walk home from UBC Robson Square, my stomach sends increasingly urgent messages to my brain saying "feed me, feed me." No, in case you are wondering - my name is not Audrey II.
But fortunately, our route home from class takes us past the corner of Richards and Helmcken, and there is the perfect place for a late night snack, +Alpha Global Sushi & Bar.
And yes, I do realise that for most people 9:30 pm does not constitute "late night" - but what can I say? This is but the stream of consciousness from the mind of a "mature" woman. Check out the restaurant link anyway.