Dancing at Sea: A West Coast Ballroom Dancing Wine Tasting Cruise - Index to Travelblogue

Dancing at Sea: A West Coast Ballroom Dancing Wine Tasting Cruise - Index to Travelblogue

Dancing at Sea: A West Coast Ballroom Dancing Wine Tasting Cruise - Index to Travelblogue

This is the index of postings to my Travelblogue that documents my ballroom dancing-focused West Coast cruise in the Sapphire Princess  from Los Angeles, California to  Vancouver, British Columbia. I traveled with a group of ballroom dance enthusiasts led by Wendy from Dancers at Sea. With three hours of dancing every night,a dance workshop, excellent food on board and excursions to wine country en route, it was the perfect trip for a gourmet food and wine-loving , ballroom dance addicted, travel writer.

The nature of blogs results in the latest posting appearing first on screen, so that  later events appear first. This Travelblogue index lists the postings in chronological order from pre-embarkation to the termination of the trip, as a guide to your reading.


   1. Dancing at Sea: A West Coast Ballroom Dancing and Wine Tasting Cruise

    Anticipation and Cruise Dancing 101

   2: Dancing at Sea: Embarkation day: A slow boat (oops- ship) to ....


   Not missing the boat - and getting to know you

   3. Dancing at Sea: I could have danced all night

   The on-board dance venues - and the dancing

   4. Dancing at Sea:  Days of wine and rosés - Santa Ynez Wine Excursion


An excursion to Santa Barbara wine country

   5. Dancing at Sea: I enjoy being a girl ...

   Formal evening dinner and dancing

   6. Dancing at Sea: I left my heart...

  San Francisco - Gourmet food and wine tour: Part 1

  7. Dancing at Sea: Cross over the bridge

   explOratorium and the Golden Gate bridge

  8. Dancing at Sea: A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé

  San Francisco - Gourmet food and wine tour: Part 2 - Sonoma Wine Tour

  9. Dancing at Sea: I felt the "earth" move under my feet

   Dance and workshops

 10. Dancing at Sea: So you say oysters...


  A drive down the south Oregon coast- and the best oyster soup ever!

 11. Dancing at Sea: I saw those harbor lights


  In port at Seattle, Washington (gym day) and Victoria, British Columbia (spa day)

 12. The party's over- its time to call it a day

   Arriving home -  Vancouver, British Columbia - and summing up