Review From The House
Day 6: Belfast, more Beatles .. and Spa time for me

Day 6: Belfast, more Beatles .. and Spa time for me
(With apologies to Jimmy Webb) - by the time I got to Belfast I was waiting... for a massage to ease my dance-sore legs and feet. So I decided to skip going ashore on another grey and overcast day, and opted for a dance lesson with Robert, a Viennese waltz practice dance session with Dean, and later a deep tissue massage in the Cunard Spa.
After breakfast I headed up to Club Hemisphere where Magdalena and Honey were also giving dance lessons. I had a great lesson with Robert despite the small dance floor. Dean who was lounging in one of the comfortable chair, watching the lesson and kibbitzing in his own totally uninimitable style, asked if I would practice some new sequences he had been working on in Viennese waltz so we agreed to meet later in the larger Queens Room.
At home I am used to using dancing as an additional fitness routine so after I have done my treadmill or elliptical cardio I often spend another hour or so on a vigorous workout with chacha, samba, quickstep and V.waltz. sequences that keep my heart rate up and my endorphins high. This cruise I don't feel as if i have been getting enough active dancing and I feel the withdrawal, so I was happy to add an extra practice session into my day.
After the practice I headed up to the spa where I met Ran. I am always a bit leery of massages since an unfortunate experience with a Swedish massage that put my back out twenty years ago (for some things I have a memory like an elephant).
But this one was fine. Ran told me she was trained both as a physiotherapist and a massage therapist so I figured it was safe to let her loose on my back and shoulders. She did an excellent massage.
I had a light fruit lunch and then settled in to catch up on some writing.
By 6 pm we were sailing away from a still-grey Belfast. I felt a bit bad about not going ashore as I am unlikely to be back for a long time but my day of dance and spa had got me into a nicely relaxed mind space. So a reasonable decision I think.
We met as usual at 6;15 for the early dinner sitting. I decided to try the sushi appetizer - only marginally impressed. and Steak Diane for the entree- really excellent. I think the meat entrees have been better than the fish ones that I tried on this trip. I avoided the bread and the dessert temptation.
While the others were still chatting over coffee and desserts, I excused myself to go to the Queens Room where they were again playing prerecorded Sequence Dance music.
I watched for a while and saw maybe about 6 or 8 couples on the floor depending on the dance. I saw a tango, a foxtrot and a waltz sequence. Here is a sample of sequence dancing.
I was chatting briefly to the English couple whose dancing I had been admiring all week. They suggested i have a try so he gamely led me onto the floor to attempt one of the dances. I found that by the third iteration of the sequence I had it and could follow easily. It does seem like fun although a bit reminiscent of line dancing in that you cant really do anything too complicated.
From 9:30 onwards, there was a Beatles Celebration in the Queens Room. The band was quite good and it certainly got a lot of people out on the dance floor. Wendy got invited up onto the bandstand and I managed to get a video of our esteemed leader doing her own Beatles Celebration dance. Check it out. Go go Wendy!