Vancouver, BC: I came to see Age of Arousal with no preconceived notions other than that it was about feminism, relationships and set in Victorian times. Oh, and that it was the partner play in the Arts Club Classics in Context series with The Constant Wife, which was one of my favorite plays of this season. I left the theatre feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the richness of themes and the complexity of the interwoven stories of the six characters. In line with my firm resolution always to jot down, or rather input, my impressions immediately on returning home from the theatre, I dutifully sat down before my keyboard (not a Remington! ) and gazed blankly at the screen, my thoughts jumbled and knotted like the sheets in my dryer. How does one summarize the story of this intricate ensemble work? I decided to go to sleep and hope that my subconscious would come up with some penetrating insights.