
A to Z Challenge 2020: A Decade of Global Dance Cruising Gillian Lockitch Sat, 03/28/2020 - 09:43

Paying homage to the sights I have seen, food I have tasted, friends I have made and the people I have encountered on land travel or thirty-six dance cruises, ballroom dancing over the seven seas and to every continent except Antarctica. 

Each vignette focuses on a memorable experience, dining, exploring or absorbing local culture. on one of these wonderful journeys.

As I planned this trip I really did not know what to expect in terms of my emotional reactions. The thought of returning alone to Cape Town, ten years after my last visit there with Bob, engendered a real concern that I would find the experience very painful. And perhaps because of that, uncharacteristically I did not do my usual meticulous preparations, bring my family research files, make lists of people to see, and things to do.

On Monday morning I took a Rikki down to the Waterfront from 10-12 to pick up some gifts and then off to dance class at Camps Bay from 3-5. The weather has been almost unbearably hot. Reading about commuter chaos in Vancouver because of snow seems quite surreal. I think I prefer cold to heat because it is so much easier to warm up than to cool down.