Review From The House
DIARY/JOURNAL INTIME: Guest Review by Sean Allan

DIARY/JOURNAL INTIME: Guest Review by Sean Allan
Choreographer: Helene Blackburn
Vancouver East Cultural Centre
A Cas Public Production
September 29th to October 3rd
This is dance theatre that you can take your husband to….and your teens…and anyone else you can think of. The opening offering of the Cultch Family Series is a knock-out. The re-furbished Cultch main stage was bathed in the light of a thousand candles being arranged and moved about by the seven members of the company, the men in jeans and the women in point shoes, as the audience entered the theatre.
When the stage was cleared they explained to us in French, English and sign language that the evening was about aspects of love and then proceeded to dance to Bach with a little seasoning of Motown, ABBA, body slaps and silence in stunning combinations of couples, groups and the full ensemble.
Obviously trained in classical ballet and modern dance, Roxane Duchesne-Roy, Kyra Jean Greeen, Meeyn Kritainger, Pierre Lecours, Susan
Paulson, Mickael Spinnhirny, Georges-Nicolas Tremblay are superb multi-tlaented performers who deliver an evening of dance theatre that
includes sly dialogue and more than passable singing. As an ensemble they are a revelation. The subject matter is treated with humour,
honest emotion and rugged athleticism. You don’t just watch this ballet, you hear it in heavy breathing and hearts beating. .
The piece is only fifty minutes and it races by with a passion and breakneck pacing. There is not a wasted moment in the entire evening. Live piano was
provided brilliantly by Matthieu Fortin on the grand piano’s keys and plucking its strings, as well as on one of two tiny white pianos.
That’s the kind of fun that was going on amongst the angst and anguish. If only falling in love and getting your heart broken were this interesting, we’d all be dancers. Cas Public hails from Montreal and they will only be here until October 3rd. Don’t miss Diary/Journal Intime. For Tickets call 604-251-1363 or visit