Review From The House
South East Asia Ballroom Dance Cruise 2009

South East Asia Ballroom Dance Cruise 2009
Saturday, November 7th, 2009
South-East Asia Ballroom Dance Cruise 2009
Index Page
This is a 16 night cruise within a 21 night trip. We start in Beijing and the north and sail south to end in Bangkok. The area and the itinerary are shown in the map above, from the Princess Cruise Lline web site.
- Raring to Go - Visas, travel research, numbers... and shoes
- Of Beijing, Great Walls, Great Smog and Great Congestion.
- Dancing through the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
- Shanghai and more dancing at sea
- A non-visit to Okinawa , Japan
- Taipei (Taiwan), formal night and more dancing at sea
- Two days in Hong Kong and still more dance cruising
- Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
- All at Sea and Formal Night
- Formal Night: A Collage of pictures
- Singapore and cruising
Part VIII. November 22 to 24, Bangkok (Thailand) and home